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We’d be happy to provide you with additional information if you have any questions. Come along and chat to us at our head dojo in Coventry (outside main doors, down the ramp toward bowls and skating hall) or please contact us by filling in the following form.
Or contact Tariq (+44) (0)7861774282 or Furrukh (+44) (0)7790 01386107790 013861

Come Join us .
​Adults : Fri 7.30pm - 9pm
Mon 7:30 -9.30pm
Kids : Sat 10.30-11.30am
Contact : Tariq
on 07861774282
*new beginner classes

New Sat
Kid's Aiki classes .
Empower your children
Expand their potential
Provide skills to deal with life
Provide a sense of well being
Help understand and fulfil their potential
Provide confidence
Sat 10.30am - 11.30
Contact : Tariq on 07861774282
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